
Sunday, August 23, 2020

Carrying Memories

Nothing lasts forever
But it doesn't change the hurt
It doesn't erase the pain
When things do end
So we carry on
Carrying a memory
That keeps everything real
That keeps them with us
We tell the stories
That hold us together
We keep them alive in us
Through choking clouds
And foolish risks
Something always lives on
Clinging to that hope
We move forward
Carrying with us
The remembrances
That make us whole

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Was, Is, Will Be


I was standing in the night
With shadows fallen over all
Questioning who I am
When I saw a flame
Brief it was
I strained to see a figure
Standing beneath a tree
Bringing a cigarette to his lips
But I could not see his face
I was about to turn
Seeking solitude not company
When a voice came
“Why do you question?”
I paused for a moment
Thinking he was speaking to himself
Again he spoke
“You know who you are
Why the questions?
Have you learned nothing?
I thought you were better than this
But then again
Maybe you don't really change”
Startled, I could not speak
His jacket reflecting the moon
He seemed so strange
Yet so familiar
“It must be your nature
No matter how I dislike it”
So arrogant
Thinking he knew me
Thinking he knew anything
My struggles
My pain
His youth showed
In his bold speech
I simply stared at this figure
A phantom in the night
After one long drag
Inhaling deeply the smoke
As he exhaled
He spoke
“The past never dies”
Confused I turned to leave
I spoke as I turned
“I am who I am right now”
But as I turned
I saw another in the dark
Leaning over
Staring at the stars
I could only see his shape
Light reflected from his cane
With a silver dragon
Shining in the darkness
I was so shocked
I stood silent
Then he spoke
With a voice of age 
Filled with the wisdom of years
“You're both so hasty
So head strong
What do you really know?”
This though
Came with a gentleness
That comes from experience
An old man
Reflecting to himself
On such a strange night
I couldn't help but wonder
Did I know this man?
So many years my senior?
Then came his voice again
“Someday you'll understand
But then again
Maybe you'll only realize
That you can never know”
Puzzled I was
Like a riddle
Spoken from the heart
That I knew all too well
He shifted slightly
And gave his parting words
“But who will I be?”
I turned to ponder this odd event
But when I looked
They were both gone
And as I pondered
I reflected on the familiar
The unknown
The thing I would never know
And the words came together
Were such a constant blend
Yet so distinct
Sudden realization
I heard my own voice
Clearly this time
Speaking through it all
“The past never dies
I am who I am right now
But who will I be?”