

What is this you ask?   Here is an outline of what I would like to do in the future as I expand Cam's Corner, as well as some explanations of what I'm already doing.
  • I plan on adding links to my past works.  I've always enjoyed writing, be it news, poetry, opinion, or fiction.
  • I have also begun to write about spiritual issues as well.  I'm always willing to answer questions of faith, regardless of religious affiliation or belief.   
  • I also take requests, so if there is a story, poem, or opinion piece you'd like to see, just let me know!
  • I've decided I'm going to try to post a poem a day.
  • I may also post short stories, or links to short stories that I've written.
  • I will have a link that goes to my Yahoo! Affiliate account, where you can see any works I've done over the years.
  • I do have a donate section on the side.  Why?  I'm just trying to get by, and I'm hoping that if I can grow a fan base, that some might just appreciate my work enough to help support me in the time it takes to write and respond.
Do you have something you'd like to see me doing that isn't listed here?  Well, just contact me!  I'm more than happy to take requests.  You can do so through my Google+, Facebook, Twitter, or any other way you find me on the web.  Enjoy the site!

Cameron D. St.Michael

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I love getting comments, and I accept constructive criticism. Just keep it nice please! Look forward to hearing from you!