
Wednesday, February 6, 2019


It is too easy in this life
To get caught up in our own view
To get caught up in what we expect
That others will love how we love
That others will care how we care
That others will see how we see
That others will understand what we understand
And we struggle to understand when they don't
But from the outside
You can see that loving is loving
Even if it looks different
You can see that caring is caring
Even if it looks different
That what we see
Is not what others see
But that we understand
When we try to be understood
Don't miss the love you have
Because you don't see the love you give
But understand how you're loved
So that you may love greater
May love stronger
And may appreciate that love
And out-love your expectations

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Know You

There's a loneliness that comes
From always being a acquaintance
But never anything more
To be known by your work
But not known for your soul
To be alone in a world
So full of life
So full of people
Yet none who know the real you
Only those who know your name
Who know of you
But do not know you
Who know you from others
Who know you from works
Who know you from stories
But left with none who know
Desperation sets in
And you begin to wonder
Do you know you?


I don't mean want to be negative
But I don't know how
Being positive eludes me
It escapes out of sight
As I chase away my fears
So busy fighting the anxiety
So busy fighting the doubts
That the positive flees
Into the night
And in the dark
I'm left holding nothing
Nothing at all
But my broken sense of self
And a triumph
That feels hollow


It is easy to feel alone
When you can't relate
To anyone
Or anything
Through anything personal
The world feels cold
The world feels distant
And the sound is far off
The words too distant to hear
The only thing you hear
Is the sound of your heart
It beats
And the sound of it beating
Sounds like

Friday, February 1, 2019

Fear of Fear

Fear of the unknown
Drives a constant drum beat
It stops my heart from beating
It's like concrete on my feet
Fear of the known
Seems to be no better at all
It haunts my dreams at night
And I feel like at any moment I'll fall
Fear of fear lingers on
Like a haunting tune of days past
Or a mist across a cold dead moon
Like clinging to a dream that cannot last
The fear is there, it's there
Inside my head, inside my soul
A darkness that I have always known
Like a blackness that makes me whole
The fear was never wanted
Not desired nor chased
But there it always was
It is the fear I have faced