
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Until We Meet Again

I never got to say goodbye
And I'm not sure I know how
You will be missed by many
You will be remembered always
Maybe I didn't want to say goodbye
But instead
"Until we meet again"
Because I know we will
But in the meantime
Tell those that I miss now
That I love them
And that someday, sometime
We will be together again

Saturday, February 23, 2013


I have been told
Ask and you shall receive
But I wonder
Why doesn't anyone say
Ask and I shall serve?
Maybe if we asked for less
And if we listened more
We might all be
In a better place

Friday, February 22, 2013

Lost My Way

My soul was weary
I had suffered for so long
I had led myself astray
And could no longer see the road
I had been through so much
I could take no more
My body grew weak
And I cried out in the wilderness
Asking why I had been forgotten
Why I had been left to the cold
Why I was so very alone
There came no answer
As I knew it was I who left
Who set my fate in motion

So I cried out for mercy
That I be given a swift end
But no end came to me
And I suffered still
I cried out in agony
What was I to do
Where was I to go
But there were no answers
So I feel upon the ground
And wept for myself
Knowing not what to do
I began to move again

I moved through the darkness
Yearning to see the light
When I came upon a man
Broken and beaten
Who had even less will than I
A sad sight to see
So I lifted him up
And tended to his wounds
And anointed his weary head
And when he was well
I once again left to roam the night

I traversed the terrible cold
Biting through my garb
Penetrating my very soul
And I came upon a woman
Frail and weak was she
With less than I to bear the winds
I took pity on her
And my cloak was hers
I left her with her new warmth
Still trying to find my way
Colder, more weary than before
I traveled on

A quick end I had been denied
And I hungered
But I came across a child
Left all alone
Too much like me to bear
The child had none
Not even bread for his mouth
Or water for his thirst
So I left him my portion
That the child might be saved
For I began to feel the end
Would be very close at hand

I was hungry
I was cold
I was weary
And I did not cry out
But laid my tired body down
And waited for the end
But the end did not come
Alas! There was a voice
From far upon high
And it asked of me
What I could offer to be saved
I looked about and had none

All had been given away
So I cried out I had naught
And the fog lifted
Much to my surprise
I cried out again that I had none
And the voice replied
"You gave rest to the weary
You gave warmth to the cold
You gave food to the famished
Who asked these things of you?"
I replied that no one had

A reply came to me
"Then I shall heal your soul
And I shall clothe your back
And I shall be your portion
That you be not hungry
That you be not cold
That you be not weary
For you have done this for others
With no thought of yourself
You have been led to the road
By your own doing
I am but the light that guides"

And in the light I walked
My bones not as heavy
My soul born anew
My hunger sated
But something new was there
I no longer felt alone
And looked to the light
That it guide me on my journey
That I remember my actions
And the grace that redeemed me
That though I may stumble
That I never again lose my way

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Whys

Normal I never was
At least not in my eyes
Everything was in a fog
And I hid behind the lies
I moved along, I played it cool
No one saw though my disguise
The lonely man inside a shell
Could not escape despite the tries
So much time was wasted
Too many sad goodbyes
All that's left are questions
The wheres the whos the whys...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I Am Here

"I am here"
Sometimes is all you can say
You can't make it better
You can't make it go away
"I am here"
It is hard to understand
When nothing can be done
There is no way to make things right
"I am here"
Is still something
It is much better than nothing
And it makes a difference
"I am here"
Is sometimes the only thing
The most important thing
You can do for someone
So let it be known
And let it be heard
And remember always
"I am here"
Means that no matter what
I'm always here for you

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Dreams Mundane

I dream a dream
That most would find mundane
I dream of being a mail boy
In an office rather large
I have a cart to carry mail
With a smile upon my face
And on Tuesday they have donuts
They save me a maple square
And orange juice to drink
And I deliver mail and do my job
And enjoy my days
And go home to a family
And live a life of peace
In my dreams
In my dreams
I find a kind of simplicity
That makes me dream away

Monday, February 18, 2013

Get It Right

I can tell it is raining
My hands ache
With the pains of a man
Who is twice my age
But then again
Maybe I've lived
Twice as hard

Sometimes it feels like
I've lived two lives
One as me
One as someone else
Someone who didn't care
A cruel man
A selfish man

And now I sit here
Looking back
Realizing now
You can't change the past
But the future's yet to come
So I craft it with care
To get it right this time

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Be Free

So many bad things happen
It's sometimes hard to believe
That there is anyone
Or anything
That really does care
But I don't lose faith
I just hope
With all my might
That someday
Things will have changed
And we will all be free
We will all be free

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Already There

Sitting in the dark
Listening to silence
My mind finally relaxes
As my body feels heavy
So much to do
Such little time
And so much is spent
Just trying to get there
That sometimes
We forget
That the things we need the most
Are already there

Friday, February 15, 2013

Two Words

Every line
Very simple
Two words
Basic thoughts
Also deep
So short
So concise
Little detail
Many ideas
Two words
Minds boggling
Very grand
Quietly humble
All together
One thought
One feeling
Two words
My words
These words
These thoughts
These feelings
Sudden inspiration
Have hope
Keep faith
Stay true
Be yourself
Be bold
Be wise
Be kind
Two words
Harm none
Do good
Love God
Love everyone
Love everything
Live everything
Two words
I am

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Never the Same

There are not enough love songs
To explain the way I feel
There aren't enough cards
To express my emotions
For I owe you more than life itself
A debt I cannot repay
But will spend each day thankful
Each day showing you I love you
Because without you
My life would never be the same

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ashes to Ashes

There is a cross upon my head
A mark of ashes on my brow
It runs deep within my soul
And though the ash will wash away
The cross is yet mine to bear
I willingly carry it in spirit
Remembering blessings brought to me
From a cross bore long ago
With this in mind I carry on
And go forth in grace alone

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What to Bring

I lie awake and wonder
What tomorrow brings
Be it rain or snow
Misfortune or delight
It will be here
And then it will be gone
Like a shooting star
Gone before you know it
So instead I wonder
What will I bring tomorrow?

Monday, February 11, 2013

Father to Son

When I was a child
I would pray with my father
After lighting incense
My eyes would close
And I would think
And I would hope
For peace
For happiness

Now I am a parent
And my child prays with me
After lighting incense
My eyes close
And I think
And I hope
For peace
For happiness

But now
I pray that for my son
And I look back
And wonder
If that's what my father
Prayed for me

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Lucky Shoes

I like to wear my lucky shoes
They are red hightops
They help me kick the blues
And kick above my head

My shoes are like magic
They make me super cool
Losing them would be tragic
Like losing a lucky penny

In short
my shoes rule

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sleep Haiku

As I fall asleep
My thoughts travel far away
I hope they come back

Friday, February 8, 2013


I've found no joy greater
Than being a father
I wouldn't trade it for the world
Offer all the tea in China
I would say don't bother
I've already got everything I need
Nothing can be purchased
This joy is like no other
You can keep your jewels and gold
For I'm rich in love
I'm happy as a father
And it's more than I will ever need

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Puzzle Part

I was going to write about pizza
But I couldn't think of what to say
Pizza is so delicious
I had no place to start
So I tried to write about soda
But alas nothing there too
Maybe about a candle?
Maybe about a puzzle part
I'm not sure what I'm writing
If I'm writing it at all
Maybe I am dreaming
About a giant pop-tart
But if I am awake
And this poem is for real
I guess I'll just write this
Because it came from the heart

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


It's cold outside today
And the rain falls down lightly
The world outside is lonely
The darkness that falls nightly
A blanket covers the land
With a shadow over all
And I shiver and I try to sleep
And answer slumber's call

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Waiting Game

I wait and I wait
And I wonder
And I ponder
I listen for the words
That will come into my head
And let me know the way
I remain still
Is this just a game?
Or is this something more?
First there is an image
Then the words begin
Flowing like water
Down a mountain
Into the sea
Filling my heart
Filling my mind
And then
And only then
Do I know what I was waiting for

Monday, February 4, 2013

Next time

I really wanted to write something brilliant
But nothing at all came to mind
In due time, something will come
But not now
Not at this moment
This moment is fading quickly
Into the abyss of night
Maybe I'm just too tired
Maybe I'm out of ideas
But it doesn't matter
Because sooner or later
This moment will return
And next time
I will know what to say

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I exist

Confusion floats about me
As an old log at sea
Up and down with the waves
No idea where to go
No idea where I've been
Just the understanding
That somehow
I exist
And that thought alone
Is enough to scare me

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Warlock

I am the fear you feel
When you charge into battle
I am the feeling that haunts you
As you feel your life draining away
I am the howl of terror you hear
Over the clashing of swords
It is my vengence you feel
As every wound sears from my touch
My dark intent masks the battle field
The agony becomes too much to bear
The corruption to great to overcome
Your affliction has become unstable
As my malefic grasp clings to your soul
Nightfall comes
Everything fades
And I harvest another soul
Empowering me to take on the next foe
Who dares to cross my dark soul

Friday, February 1, 2013

You Can't Bring Back The Past

I spent so much time
Just trying to find the words
That I will never say
And it's now that I find
That the time to say them is gone
And you can't bring back the past
No you can't bring back the past

A journey I'd been on
Searching for something new
I never realized
I had it all the time
That the time to find it is gone
And you can't bring back the past
No you can't bring back the past

So much searching
So much longing
I tried so hard
That I lost my way
And I can't go back
No I can't go back again
I can never go back again

Time was wasting away
But I'd nothing left to say
I had nothing left to do
So I turned around
The future is all I have now
Because you can't bring back the past
No you can't bring back the past